Monday, June 4, 2007

More of the same - 9 days til court

Happy Monday everyone,

We spent the morning playing with the boys and some beach balls. They nearly wore us completely out!! They were having a good old time bouncing up and down on the balls - they were almost in hysterics as they were laughing so hard.

This afternoon we are going with one of their caregivers to get their passport pictures taken. The administrator at the orphanage was trying to tell me this in Russian but all I could make out was "passport". Thankfully I was able to call Olga right up and she translated over the phone for me. For some reason they seem to think we should be speaking their language by now!!

For us there is just more sitting around and waiting. Unfortunately this is going to be the case for the next 20 days or so. If you have any ideas how we can keep ourselves entertained be sure to comment for us!! Keep it clean boys - Mom reads this you know!! We contemplated coming home for the 10 day waiting period (at least one of us) but that is highly unlikely.

Dniprodzezhinsk had it's "town" day which as the best we can tell is like homecoming or something. They had fireworks, bands and other stuff going on. We missed most of it because we forgot about it that was until we heard the fireworks going off.

Meals are getting boring as we tend to eat the same stuff over and over. We have been living on pasta and sauce, we also eat ham and cheese sandwiches alot. They do have some of the finest ham we have ever eaten. So while you are having your steak dinners and bbq's please think of us!! Actually the biggest problem is that we do not have an oven. For some reason the landlord does not know how to light it and I couldn't figure it out either. This limits us to stove top meals and/or microwave.

We would like to thank the clean up crew who dealt with the mess at our house following the storms this past weekend. It sounds like one helluva storm blew through. We are glad no one was hurt - trailers and snowmobiles are replacable.

The weather here has cooled for the past couple days which certainly makes us happy. It was almost unbearable for a couple days last week - it was so humid it felt like a sauna.

That is it for now - talk to you all in a couple days!!

Chris & Andrea

That is it for now -


Unknown said...

Hey guys,
wow! It sounds like everything is coming into place and you're very much under the microscope as it's still not a 'done deal.' Hang in there and keep up the winning personalities with all the officials.

Way back in my early years, my parents had only their imaginations to amuse four kids on road trips. I still do these today - when I'm bored silly and think there's nothing else to do :-)

- Draw a map of the US.
- Name all 50 state capitals.
- List the 30 NFL teams
- Write the ABC's in cursive. Upper and lower case. Like the ABC chart from 2nd grade. (I can never get all of them!)
- For each letter of the alphabet, come up with a fruit, a vegetable, a country, and an animal.
- There are 10 body parts which have 3 letters. (No slang.) What are they?

Take care.


Kristin & Mark said...


I just wanted to let you know that no matter how many stores you go to, you will walk out with 2 balls each time and have tons of them. Both Ned and Ella play with each & every kind of ball made. I am sure that I can give some to you and my two will not even know they are missing!
Keep up they great letters.
Love, Kristin & Mark

Rick said...

New snowmobile?? they make those in Ukraine....with "twin sidecars"?

I think you guys need to go out to eat more.....and learn to make traditional Ukrainian dishes.....and then do all of Lorie's exercises in reverse order.

Glad all is going well, though slowly. The boys sound like they're lots of fun and the pictures are great....esp the camo hats (and I'm assuming updated "boy" underwear).

Have fun!


Amy Ciarletta said...

Hi Guys! I love the pictures! The boys are beautiful and love the hats. They seem so happy in the pictures and love the holding hands. I think of you often and read your journey everyday. Seems like every thing is getting into place, keep being patience! Your doing great!God Bless! Amy

Beth said...

Still going, still going.... you guys feeling like the energizer bunny (ies) yet? Most likely.
Ideas - count how many steps it takes to get to the O and back. Same with the grocery store, bank, shops etc..., Find 5 or 6 different ways to get to the O each day and mix 'em up for variety, Write a letter to Cait telling her all of your adventures,
begin writing a detailed description each day of how you are feeling about your adventure for the boys "baby" books. (a good together activity), sleep as much as you can, because sleep will soon be only a luxury for you both!
Buy some parenting books and start reading. Pray for your new family and for raising these little boys in the way that God wants you to. Pray for wisdom, patience, and endurance. Can you buy cards or
games somewhere? I'm thinking something like UNO or small games like that.... Daydream about the
wonderful things you will be able to share with your two boys once you are home again!
Will "talk" again soon.
Love to you ALL --- Beth & All
here in Maine!

Ecka said...

Hi you two -
Good to hear from you again. Loved the new pictures! The boys are so handsome.
You mentioned your meals were getting boring...tell me, do you have access to most of the foods you can buy here? Cheeses, chicken, vegetables (fresh or frozen) sort of "the basics"? I have some great stovetop dinner recipes I could pass on to you if you have access to foods like that...let me know.
Take care...ALL of you (I just never get tired of saying that!

Sandra & David said...

Hi guys-
The storm was short, but intense. Unfortunately, David was having one of his "intolerance" moments and returned home after barely heading to your house. Sounds like things are all set now, though.
In terms of occupying yourselves, I was thinking of what Dave & I used to do before we had two kids to keep us busy. Can we send you games like cribbage, uno, a deck of cards? I know how much you love games!
I found two cammo sunhats this week and I got you a big bottle of kid's sunblock to go with it. Keep up your spirits, you've been through the worst of it, right? Please let us know if there is anything we can send out to you.
Take care and keep writing!